Laurel for Lusche della Cassiago

In recognition of excellence in the field of tablet weaving

Written in February 2020

Her Sovereign Majesty, Jehanette, Queen of Northshield, to all to whom &c. Greeting. 

Know all that we, in consideration of the skill and knowledge of tablet weaving, and the sharing of the same to others, as well as good faithful and acceptable service to us and our precedessors rendered by our beloved Lusche della Cassiago, and for many other and diverse qualities, of our special grace and certain knowledge, and with consultation with our peers, have granted to her admittance to our most noble Order of the Laurel, with all and every sort of rights and privileges associated therewith to be acknowledged to have, hold, enjoy, and occupy this station during her life. 

And further, we have given and granted, and by these presents do give and grant to the aforesaid Lusche della Cassiago the exercise and maintenance of the responsibilities of this same estate, in equal portions honor, courtesy, faith, generosity, and courage, in as full a manner and form as she may render. And further, we do deliver, grant, and confirm that our faithful subject, the aforesaid Lusche della Cassiago shall have the right to bear with honor and status, a laurel wreath, with none or any statute, act, ordinance, provision, proclamation, or restriction to this symbol being permitted or established thereof. 

Therefore we are willing and by these our letters patent do acknowledge the aforesaid Lusche della Cassiago as a Peer of the Society. In witness whereof do we set our hand and seal, Jehanette, the Sovereign Queen, at Silfren Mere, on the 29th Day of February, AS 54.


Letters patent from Queen Elizabeth granting the custody of the ordnance to Edward Randolphe, 6 December 1563 

Calligraphy and Illumination by Ouyang Yingzhao