Baron and Baroness of the Court for David DuPont and Clara inghean Uilleim

David and Clara sat on the baronial thrones of Castel Rouge for many years and guided the group through their fiftieth anniversary with much joy and many puns. 

Written in August, 2021

Ciaran and Elis, by right of arms and inspiration, King and Queen of Northshield, keepers of the north pole, protectors of the inland seas, and champions of the right and good, to all to whom these letters are seeing or hearing, greeting.

For as much of you, David DuPont and Clara inghean Uilleim, have gone these many years at our service, holding our lands in Castel Rouge in good faith, to maintain our presence in this, our most treasured northlands, and it is known that through perseverence and kindly works that it has been maintained by your means and conduct, therefore it is but just and reasonable, that since you have so long toiled and withstood many dangers to serve us, that you should be recognized for it. And we being willing to honor and favor you for the reasons adoresaid: our will is, that you, Clara and David, after defending our said castles and manors in said lands for us and our predecessors, shall be henceforth and forever recognized as a baron and baroness of our court and you shall be known to all people in all places to be one worthy of our favor, and shall exercise the employments of this station, and enjoy the perequesites and salaries belonging to the said employments in the same manner. Moreover, by this our letter, and by virtue of our intent, all shall treat you in all respects with the honors, graces, and concessions which are due to you, and to observe these completely, so that nothing be diminished, and make no objection to this, our sovereign right. Forasmuch as we form this time forward, by this our letter, bestow upon you the estate of the baron and baroness of our court, and none shall presume anything to the contrary, upon pain of our displeasure, and forfieture of a minimum of three puns to be used as names for future events. This is our certificate and seal that we may know that our command will be obeyed.

Given at Life Begins after 50 on the 4th of September, in the year of the society 56

Ciaran Rex Elis Regina


Privileges and Perogatives Granted by Their Catholic Majesties to Christopher Columbus, 1492