Laurel for Isabella Beatrice della Rosa
For Belle's excellence in medieval dance.
Written in July 2019
The King and Queen of Northshield to all gentles and nobles; we have heretofore mysliked of a lack of jouyous revelrie held within our lands, namely the art of dance, and whereupon we have found a gentle to whom we have made our displeasure further knowen: for as much as Isabella Beatrice della Rosa has made a long and humble suyte unto us for a favorable end to our displeasure, and wherein the mislyked poyntes of our displeasure have been utterlie corrected or otherwise omitted from our lands, and that we of ourselves do sufficientlie knowe her good desertes, besides the comendation given unto us of her sufficiencie and painful good service, both by our people and our companyons of our trustie peers. We are therefore pleesed, notwithstanding any prior letters patent or directions otherwyse, to make it known that it is our will and intente to grant her our other letters patent which carrie admission into the afforementyoned Order of the Laurel, wherein she shall enjoye the said position and duties duringe her lyfe, wherein she is bound to the maytenance of such oaths as are now mayntained, as well as the newe oaths and responsibilities of her newe patent. We thereby number and mark her as a companion of our Order of the Laurel, and charge her to mayntaine the customs and tolls specified in these letters above recited.
By our wills, words, hands, and seals, this ____ day of July AS ___, Konrad Rex and Aibihiln Regina.
Based off of the Instructions given to Sir William FitzWilliams on his appointment of Lord Deputy of Ireland, Signed by her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, dated 8 March 1587.